The Healing Journey For the Young


Can young children actively engage in healing trauma while their brains are prioritizing growth and development? I have wrestled with this question for many years.  I recently had the opportunity to spend 3 days training early childhood program staff. This experience...

The Healing Journey For the Young2022-01-27T15:05:45+00:00

Perseverance vs Moving On


In many leaders' brains there is a turf war going on between PERSEVERANCE and MOVING ON. Perseverance is often seen like a muscle bound trainer shouting, “Never quit. Get back up. Don’t give up, your breakthrough could be one inch away.”  The...

Perseverance vs Moving On2022-01-25T15:06:37+00:00

Music: A Window Into The Soul


In this New Year, like many of you, I’m searching for my resolution/word/target for the year. It has been a real pleasure / treasure hunt this year. I’m listening to friends' ideas, reading lots, watching interesting documentaries and commentaries on...

Music: A Window Into The Soul2022-01-20T15:07:33+00:00

Strength: While You Were Sleeping


I grew up with the saying, “Don’t let the sun go down on your anger”. This is also a common saying at weddings when people are handing out marital advice. What is implied is to make peace before you sleep. This weekend I was listening to a speaker reference...

Strength: While You Were Sleeping2022-01-18T15:08:04+00:00
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