The Will To Fight

I recently went down a rabbit hole researching the USA military analysis and basic handbooks on the human factor… the will to fight. It appears that this could be one of the most important factors for war while at the same time one of the most overlooked. If major Military powers overlook this factor even with compelling evidence then it is reasonable to assume that we do as well.

My rabbit hole offered a number of compelling David and Goliath examples in which the will to fight ended up being the primary factor for success.

Let’s jump right into application for our civilian lives. Pick any area of success or failure; finances, personal health, relationships and then stop and analyze your will to fight and I think most of us will mirror the history lessons of war.

Without a strong will to fight the fear, intimidation, temptations and distractions will defeat the best laid plans. Now comes the transformational challenge, “How do we increase our will to fight?”

I watched a short video clip of the current war in Ukraine that I think holds the answer. After an intense ground battle resulting in the liberation of a small Russian occupied Ukrainian village a Ukrainian soldier jumps out of a military vehicle and into the arms of his mother as she emotionally cries, “you are a hero.” The small village was the home to his parents who had chosen not to evacuate but rather hold the line. This Ukrainian soldier had an extraordinary will to fight, potentially against all odds, possibly even to death. Why? Because he owned the battle field and took it personally.

What would happen if we chose to own our battle fields and took it personally and rather than blaming others or the enemy, authorities, or the weather we rather tapped into the will to fight?

Action: I’m not suggesting any radical unlawful actions but rather that we STOP, THINK and ACT on just one area of our lives by intentionally increasing our will to fight. This may be the missing human factor that is needed to overcome your challenge especially if your enemy is your own lack of willpower. Increasing your personal ownership of your circumstances is one of the keys. “This is my village” could become your new battle cry.

One more example: In my community a single mom was living with her parents and in this environment she lost the will to fight for financial independence. While it was painful the moment came when it was time to move out. Interestingly in this new battle field of independence she increased her income dramatically, paid off her consumer debt and student loans and advanced her career. How? She tapped into the will to fight.
Let me know what you think. I would love to interview you with the contrasting before and after journey as you learn to liberate your “small village” by discovering the will to fight.

Steven Falk

P.S. Don’t forget, People Can Change and The Power of Success is in TEAM

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